
A crop specific micronutrient formulation which helps to enhance Fruit Quality in Terms of Fruit Appearance, Fruit Keeping Quality and Taste.


7 in stock



  • Recommended For All Mango Varieties
  • Recommended Twice Before Flowering & Twice After Flowering
  • Recommended At 5g/L along with adjutants and lime juice contains most of the micronutrients Such as Zn, B, Fe, Cu, 
    Mn, Mo and Cl and secondary nutrients such as Ca, Mg, S And K
  • Enhances Fruit Quality in Terms of Fruit Appearance, Fruit Keeping Quality and Taste. Arka Mango Special mixture
    should not be mixed with any of the fungicides & pesticides.
    i) Per plant required 10 to 20 litters (Average 15 litters) Depend on duration as below:
    a)   Less than 5 years old - 5 litters per tree
    b)   5 years to 10 years old – 10 litters per tree
    c)    10 years to 15 years old – 15 litters per tree
    d)   15 years and above – 20 litters per tree


Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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