From 50.00

Dried Rose Petals Organic and Edible Perfect for Tea, Potpourri, Bath Bombs, Beauty Products, Resealable Bag for Freshness and Longevity Non-Toxic, Chemical-Free.

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As the enduring symbol of romance, the classic rose is one of the stateliest flowers to grace gardens today. But,
these beautiful blooms are useful for so much more than looking pretty. Over 100 species of roses carpet the 
planet these days, many of which are renowned for both their beauty and their health benefits. However, home 
remedies with roses typically work best when using wild or traditional varieties. This is because modern-day 
hybrids lack the depth of scent and beneficial compounds of these older varieties, but they will work just fine 
if they are all you have available. The freshest roses will always be the ones you grow yourself, and the process
isn’t as complicated as you think.

Culinary Uses Dried Rose Petals
  • Stirred through biryanis, pilaus, couscous and any other grains
  • Added into cake, brownie and cookie dough/batter before baking
  • Added to jellies and panna cotta
  • In ice cubes (add before freezing)
  • In cocktails and mocktails
  • As a garnish on all of the above and many Middle Eastern and South Asian desserts (see below); you can also 
    crystallize them first
  • Can also be used to make jams but I personally think that fresh is much better for this
  • For a light, floral tea, sweetened with honey or even better, our rose sugar below
  • Ground, to make rose sugar, and added to desserts or as garnish

Additional information


25g, 50g


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